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 Problem with Admin Rights Win 7

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
480vmotor Posted - April 18 2013 : 09:07:33 AM

This forum doesn't look real active. It appears that Hurricane works fine. My problem is with my lack of understanding of Administrator Rights in Windows 7.

I am the Administrator of this computer but could not install it in the usual place C:\Program Files\Hurricane. I know this is a Windows thing and not a problem Hurricane. I ended up installing Hurricane in C:\hurrscr where it works fine but I need to figure out this ADMINISTRATOR RIGHTS deal with Windows 7 and XP because I need to install Hurricane on another guy's computer (Win XP). I can log on to his computer with my Log on and install the program, but when he tries to run it, it messes up. Again I believe this is a Windows thing and not a problem with the program, just a problem with my ignorance.

Any help would be appreciated.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
480vmotor Posted - April 24 2013 : 9:03:58 PM

Yes it turns out that the problem was just a misunderstanding of mine concerning User rights and security in Windows 7.

This link talks about the solution to my problem:

scroll down to:
How to Grant Permissions in Windows 7

The solution in Windows XP is similar but there is one extra or one less step, don't remember.

Probably most of your users already know this, but you know, some of us are still working with a Windows 3.1/Windows 95 brain where if you forgot your password, you just said Sorry and they let you through the gates anyway

Admin Posted - April 18 2013 : 3:17:13 PM
Hi Doug,

The best place for you to find a solution that works for you is probably a site that focuses on PC/administrator issues.

Also, when you say it "messes up", what exactly do you mean?

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